As a prerequisite, you must have credentials to access our API. If you do not have credentials, please reach out to our team to get set up.


Our API is authenticated using HTTP Basic Authentication. You’ll need to pass in your credentials with every API request.

Additional Prerequisites

For mental health inquiries, we have customized benefits_querys for each customer. Please reach out to our team to get set up to use our Mental Health API.

Create an Inquiry

Let’s walk through an example use case of the Mental Health API. Say you want to request benefits for certain procedure codes for a patient for a mental health provider.

You will need to provide information on the patient, patient’s insurance, provider, and the benefits you are interested in checking.

For specific benefits codes, please use CODE_LOOKUP_BENEFITS as the benefits_query and pass in the specific codes as benefits_codes.

Successful creations will return an inquiry_id. You will need this inquiry_id to check on its status and see results.

Retrieve an Inquiry

Now that you’ve made a mental health inquiry, you want to check on the results. You can use our API to do so. The inquiry_id is required.

Here is a sample response.

  "id": "string",
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "creation_ts": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z",
  "summary": "Benefits retrieved successfully.",
  "results": {
    "call_details": {
      "call_end_time": "2024-03-01T06:00:00.0000Z",
      "representative_name": "Deborah M",
      "reference_number": "2812129"
    "plan_information": {
      "is_active": true,
      "plan_type": "PPO",
      "effective_date": "10-01-2020",
      "termination_date": "10-31-2021",
      "is_calendar_year_plan": true,
      "is_provider_in_network": true,
      "is_primary_insurance": true
    "maximums": {
      "individual_deductible": "100",
      "individual_deductible_used": "80",
      "individual_out_of_pocket_maximum": "1000",
      "individual_out_of_pocket_maximum_used": "800",
      "family_deductible": "200",
      "family_deductible_used": "100",
      "family_out_of_pocket_maximum": "2000",
      "family_out_of_pocket_maximum_used": "1000"
    "procedure_classes": {},
    "procedure_codes": [
          "procedure_code": "90832",
          "procedure_name": "Psychotherapy"
          "is_covered": true,
          "is_prior_auth_required": true,
          "prior_auth_info": "Call Cigna at 1-800-997-1654",
          "is_deductible_waived": false,
          "copay_amount": "20.00",
          "coinsurance_percentage": "20",
          "frequency_limitations": "Two visits per week",
          "more_info": "Diagnosis of medium to severe COPD is required for coverage."
  "request": {
    "type": "BENEFITS",
    "desired_completion_date": "08-19-2024",
    "patient_name": "Alex Martin",
    "dob": "01-31-2020",
    "member_id": "123456789",
    "group_id": "123456",
    "insurance_in_network": true,
    "npi": "1245319599",
    "tax_id": "123456789",
    "external_id": "health_harbor_sf",
    "diagnosis_codes": ["F41.1", "F42.23"],
    "claims_date_of_service": "01-31-2020",
    "claim_number": "1234567890",
    "insurance": "CIGNA",
    "is_specialist": true,
    "place_of_service": "office"